Evolution of Attunement

One definition of attunement ‘is a kinesthetic and emotional sensing of others knowing their rhythm, affect and experience by metaphorically being in their skin, and going beyond empathy to create a two-person experience of unbroken feeling connectedness by providing a reciprocal affect and/or resonating response’. (Erksine 1998).

I resonate with this definition, and would like to get curious being with our own kinesthetic and emotional sensing, be individually present and connected before we can experience attuning with others. I know the ability to be with our body responses is not new and may be challenging for some. I’d like to pose a key question in seeking reconciliation with our stressful life experiences that may need attuning. Is attunement a skill individuals learn through awareness, curiosity, active listening, exploration? How about understanding its “subtle knowing” in our body because it informs our mind (80% vagal nerve communication).

When flexing/contracting our facial muscles, it reflects in our sensory motor system and allows for emotions necessary for our experiencing them like a smile. Is creating space for the evolution of your attunement something you may be interested practicing?

This is only one of a number of integrated elements we offer those suffering with body reactions and responses; a conscious and unconscious empathic witnessing being seen, and accepted just the way you are no matter where you find yourself in your present experience. As we share our perspective on the evolution of attunement, it comes down to how connected we are in our moment to moment process of renegotiating, and recovering life on our terms before we attune with others. Starting in a slow and titrated way we can engaged in any interventions can result in how successfully we can lean into practicing attunement to create a strong life force, vitality and relative happiness in our harvesting experiences.


The Road Less Traveled