Long COVId and

Ventilator Trauma

We have joined in an innovative partnership with Long COVID Alliance to address and service many of the health & wellness challenges experienced by those with COVID Long Hauler Syndrome. We are on the cusp of somatic research in providing relief and aid in Long COVID rehabilitation. We’ve developed a three (3) phase therapeutic program that integrates a number of somatic modalities; two of which are Somatic Experiencing® and Trauma Specialized Yoga Therapy™ to help cope with ongoing challenges.

Long COVID Syndrome & Ventilator trauma

The rapid spread of Covid-19, millions of people who became ill will recover and experienced a range of debilitating after-effects called Post COVID or Long COVID Syndrome, and ventilator trauma.

“In addition to aiding the repercussions of serious Covid-19 cases…ways to help people cope with the ongoing stress of an invisible threat, social isolation, grief, loss of life, or loss of their livelihood…intended to help post-Covid 19 clients, their supporting caregivers, and medical trauma and syndrome sufferers in general. During this unprecedented time, our SE™ perspective is needed now more than ever.”

-Dr. Peter Levine, Somatic Experiencing® founder

Grace Tree and Soma Collective Yoga Therapy are emphasizing early evidence somatic therapeutic modalities working with our Long COVID & Ventilator Trauma clients. Below you will learn a few SE™ and Trauma Specialized Yoga Therapy™resources to help navigate Long COVID recovery, for an integrative, whole person approach that complements clients healthcare services. We offer practical adaptive skill-sets and tools to build resilience, embody endurance and manage daily struggles and stresses that Long COVID presents regardless of present levels of mobility, and biopsychosocial experiences. More resources will be added in the coming months!


We have taken all measures to help protect the health and wellness of everyone, while offering much needed services. With the ever-rising COVID variants, it is our responsibility to implement the following guidelines to safely reduces the positivity rate and cases of the COVID virus:

  1. Community organizations where we offer i-person services will have the option to transition previous in-person community classes to live/recorded video offerings. These locations can also opt to temporarily suspend offerings if virtual/video is not possible for their location. No further in-person group classes will be offered until our community is able to reduce its COVID positivity rate/cases, and is safe again to offer community on-site in-person group classes. We are working to transition to virtual and recorded classes in order to keep your practices going.

  2. Private sessions will continue but in a larger area to respect the 6ft physical distance. Temperatures will continue to be recorded at the start of each session. (Temperature is considered elevated when it is higher than 100.4° F (38° C), so any temperature reading higher than 100.4° F will be canceled without cancellation penalty.)

  3. A variety of PPE will be available for use before, during and after sessions. Rooms will be sanitized after each in-person private session.

  4. Clients are advised to bring their personal yoga mats to their in-person sessions. We will continue to offer yoga mats during the session if clients do not have the ability or forget to their mats.

  5. Our in-person private practice will transition to accepting new clients that have previously been vaccinated/boosted and have a COVID pre-screen questionnaire on file. Practice within the recommended 6 ft. space between client and Somatic/Therapeutic Yoga Facilitator in session, and wear the recommended masks during sessions, temperatures lower than 98° F masks will not be required to be worn. Living in our post COVID world, clients who are not vaccinated will be required to wear a mask in their sessions. Unfortunately, any temperatures at the start of the session higher than 99° F (red digital screen) will not be able to complete the session. No late fee cancelation will be charged.

  6. Virtual Private Sessions: clients will not be required to wear masks.

  7. As we learn to navigate COVID, our in-person education trainings/workshops/peer-led support groups will be offered according to updates posted. Virtual education and training offerings will continue.

Our organization as a whole will do our part to protect the health, wellness and safety of students and clients, as this effect all in our community. We hold the responsibility to practice the principle of ‘Ahimsa-no harm,’ and endeavor to deliver safe and effective services. We endeavor to keep you updated as our transitions in services change, check back on our website and social media pages to get the latest information. We thank you for your understanding and patience as we try our best to practice safe and effective services in our community. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

You’re invited to connect with us for more Long COVID Syndrome information!

Note: We do not see clients who are actively suicidal unless under the care of a licensed mental health therapist who has approved adjunct somatic therapy support services. 

Disclaimer: The above methodologies & services are not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, rather are adjunct modalities used to modulate physiological responses from within the whole body, and work towards experiencing integrative and ease to suffering.