Fall is here again!  When fall arrives every year we begin to witness the changes that are occurring all around us.  These changes, gifts, blessings, and growth that have been happening since the beginning of time.   The changes in every season represent an opportunity to look at grace and explore the ineffable lessons of grace.

Divine Grace, according to Wikipedia it is the theological term present in many religions.  It has been defined as the divine influence which operates in humans to regenerate and sanctify, to inspire virtuous impulses, and to impart strength to endure trial and resist temptation; and as an individual virtue or excellence of divine origin.  The are many other definitions, and I believe grace isn’t an easy word to put into one definition or meaning.  It is more of an essence, an energy that can’t be seen, but can be felt deep within the soul.   It’s a whisper of hope and love.  It will bring about a different perception for all.  Depending on lived experiences and the individual self.

Looking at a tree through the lenses of grace may help us to understand the meaning deeper within each and every one of us.   The gifts we are simply given.  Not those that we ask for or demand.  Those truths and gifts that are so generously given, without anything attachment or expectations in return.  The life force and progression of nature that wants nothing and gives everything.  The coexistence of oneness working together with many of the components of the system unknown to man.   This is the mystery and awe that grace sparks.  It’s the action that occurs in the presence of non-action.  The breath that breathes our bodies.  It is love…It is illumination…It is presence in it’s purest form, a source that is within us and all around us.

The Human life cycle and the life cycle of a tree are not that much different.  The life of a tree begins as a seed.  Then becoming a sprout, or a tiny embryo.  Eventually moving onto growing into a seedling taking root into the earth and beginning its life here on earth.  Next becoming a sapling, which is a tree in its juvenile state.  Eventually becoming a mature tree.

During all of these stages the tree instinctively knows what to do to become the tree that it is meant to be.  Trees know how to give and receive instinctively.  Giving oxygen, nutrients to our soil, and giving life to wildlife.  They receive sunlight, water, and carbon to grow.   They require a solid foundation and a stable environment to grow and thrive.  Giving gifts and receiving gifts with no expectations or perceived outcomes.

Looking at trees through divine grace, they receive the divine influence in which is needed to regenerate and sanctify.  This grace inspires virtuous impulses, imparting strength to endure the trials of the seasons.  They do not ask where these gifts come from or always seeking more.  They just receive what is meant for them to receive.  Allowing their beauty to come and go throughout their lives.  It’s a flow, a dance with the seasons of change.  It’s a surrender to something beyond their physical existence.

The whispers of grace that come from trees:

Trust.  Trust in something beyond yourself that supports your journey, and provides you with what is needed in the moment.

Diversity.  Trees have no judgement.  Trees are all so different.   Not one tree is the same as another, they are all beautiful in their own way.

Community.  One tree is beautiful…Many trees as one is a beautiful forest of togetherness.

Root.  Trees are physically rooted into the earth.  The earth is a place of nurturing and grounding.  Connect to this earth and receive its healing.  Show gratitude for the abundance of gifts it so generously gives to us. 

Support.  Just like the trees provide shade and something for us to lean on when needed.  Accept love and support during your healing journey.

Let things fall away.  In the seasons of change, let the leaves fall where they may.  Begin to allow the change from within to emerge as you shed what is no longer serving your highest good.

Receive.  Receive the gifts from the earth and the sky.  Receive compassion for yourself as you go through the journey.

Allow space for growth.  Continue to build a strong foundation, along with allowing an opening to grow upward and outward.   Whatever that may be to you in your journey.  Explore your connection to faith, spirit, and higher self.

Speak words that heal.  Did you know that it is proven that when plants are talked to with love and grace they experience more growth?  If spoken to with negativity, their growth is hindered? For trees although they may not have emotions…There is energy within the words that are spoken.

Meditation/prayer.  Trees, although active, don’t need to force any action.  Take time to be still and reconnect with your truth and soul.

Breathe.  Consciously connect to your breath throughout your day.  Humans have the gift to connect consciously to the breath, bringing us into the present moment.  Creating more connection, calmness, and grounding energy. -Anonymous Author, Namaste Beautiful Souls

At Grace Tree, we want you to thrive through the changes of every season.  We are here to support you during your healing journey.  Allowing space for your growth, as we provide the support that is needed to empower you and your highest good. We are here to help others with finding grace and healing in their journey, we invite you to connect with here.


Working Through Perceptions To Open Space For More Truth