Therapeutic Somatic Support
Crisis Response Intervention is designed to address natural and man-made crisis, critical incidents and tragic events that people experience.
What does adjunct Somatic Crisis Response Intervention accomplish?
It provides a short term individual support for those who presently, or have experienced a recent traumatic/toxic recent event that produces physical, emotional, mental, and behavioral distress or challenges. The services at Grace Tree provide somatic adjunct modalities that are holistic, and therapeutic to help the stress response that surface in the body, nervous system, mind and spirit. Somatic adjunctive modalities are services designed to modulate, regulate, stimulate, and accelerate the natural healing process of the body through different mechanisms that produce physiological response and/or change.
We’ve gathered a empathic team of somatic facilitators, and licensed mental health volunteers with varied backgrounds/specialities to serve those who have experienced crisis with in-person & virtual sessions. Please contact us for more information at the link below.
Note: We do not see clients who are actively suicidal unless under the care of a licensed mental health therapist who has approved adjunct somatic therapy support services.
Disclaimer: The above methodologies & services are not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, rather are adjunct modalities used to modulate physiological responses from within the whole body, and work towards experiencing integrative and ease to suffering.
Presently accepting new clients on a case-by-case basis starting February 2025 (link)