Transforms Stress and Create Better Health and Resilience

Stress affects the body physically, mentally and emotionally, so what can we do about it? It is not the event or situation that creates the stress, it is how our body systems respond to it. Emotions have a powerful impact on the human body. Positive emotions like appreciation, care and kindness feel good and are good for us. They help the systems in our body synchronize and work better. Research has shown when we intentionally shift to a positive emotion, the heart rhythms immediately change. This shift in heart rhythms creates a favorable cascade of neural, hormonal and biochemical events that benefit the entire body. How does it work? When we are stressed, the body is out of sync. The depleting emotions we feel, like anger, frustration, anxiety and worry, lead to disorder in the nervous system. Renewing emotions like appreciation, care and kindness create order, which is called coherence. Coherence leads to mental clarity, creativity, and resiliency.

HeartMath® Supports Our Heart of “Who We Truly Are” for Living Healthier, Fulfilling Lives and Building a Brighter Future

Since 1991, HeartMath®Institute has researched and developed reliable, scientifically based tools to help people bridge the connection between their hearts and minds, and deepen their connection with the hearts of others. The Resilient Heart: Trauma Sensitive HeartMath® is especially designed by trauma specialists to share the HeartMath® coherence skill set in a trauma-sensitive manner — to awaken and activate the heart of humanity. By connecting to our hearts most intuitive wisdom, client’s guidance for less stress, more effective choices and harmonious interactions.

It is rooted in deep care for global community and built upon heart-brain interactions, and the dynamics of emotion for increased resilience and capacity for emotional regulation following trauma. The HeartMath® tools and techniques are intended as an adjunctive skill sets from trauma-focused somatic therapies, including EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), Brainspotting, Hakomi, Somatic Experiencing, Wilderness Therapy, Acupuncture and Polarity Therapy.

Clients learn evidence-based HeartMath® techniques in a trauma-sensitive manner to experientially practice, and create their own take personal home practice and self-reflection lessons. The key to success is the ability to self-regulate, and connect deeply with our own heart coherence. Be part of creating a kinder, more compassionate world, join us in creating, and building healthy and balanced somatic heart-brain coherence…be the change your want in the world.

In addition to client private sessions, we offer community and corporate group presentations to learn this amazing self-regulating gifts for heart, wisdom coherence. The Resilient Heart: Trauma Sensitive HeartMath® is can be integrated in all of our services, can also be scheduled as a stand alone service.

Note: We do not see clients who are actively suicidal unless under the care of a licensed mental health therapist who has approved adjunct somatic therapy support services. 

Disclaimer: The above methodologies & services are not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, rather are adjunct modalities used to modulate physiological responses from within the whole body, and work towards experiencing integrative and ease to suffering.

Presently accepting new clients on a case-by-case basis starting February 2025 (link)